Australian Government logo for the Coal Mining Industry (Long Service Leave Funding) Corporation featuring the Commonwealth Coat of Arms
Coal LSL brand artwork



Changes for casual employees under the Protecting Worker Entitlements Act 2023.

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Australian Government logo for the Coal Mining Industry (Long Service Leave Funding) Corporation featuring the Commonwealth Coat of Arms
Coal LSL brand artwork


Smiling office workers wearing business attire looking at a laptop and mobile device.
Governance and operations


Policies and practices

Ministerial Statement of Expectations

Ministerial Statements of Expectations provide greater clarity about government policies and objectives relevant to a regulator in carrying out its statutory functions. This statement sets out those expectations in relation to Coal LSL.

Coal LSL Statement of Intent

Coal LSL is required to provide a Statement of Intent in response to the Government's Ministerial Statement of Expectations, which provides strategic direction in line with the Government's Deregulation Agenda.


The Privacy (Australian Government Agencies – Governance) APP Code 2017 (Privacy Code), requires us to maintain and publish a register of the privacy impact assessments (PIA) we conduct for all high-risk privacy projects.

We undertake PIAs where the project or initiative involves a new or changed way of handling personal information, that is likely to have a significant impact on the privacy of individuals.

The Privacy Code also requires us to maintain and publish a register of completed PIAs from 1 July 2018 on our website.

Conflicts of interest

Our Conflicts of Interest Policy is reviewed every 2 years and addresses the organisation’s obligations and the Board’s duties under the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (PGPA Act) and Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Rule 2014 (PGPA Rule).

While avoiding conflicts is generally preferable, in practice there may be some situations in which conflicts of interest cannot be wholly avoided and need to be managed in a way which will withstand external scrutiny and upholds the principles of this policy.

Under the PGPA Act we must:

  • act with care and diligence

  • act in good faith and for a proper purpose, including to manage or use public resources in an efficient, effective, economical, and ethical manner

  • not make improper use of inside information or their position to gain an advantage for themselves or another person, or cause detriment to the Commonwealth, Coal LSL or another person

  • disclose any material personal interests.

A Conflicts of Interest framework is in place to ensure that all Coal LSL Officers, staff members, contractors and service providers are aware of the expectations to perform duties in a manner that places public interest above their personal interests; to build public confidence by upholding the integrity and reputation of Coal LSL as an accountable and transparent organisation; and to ensure compliance is achieved with applicable legislation relating to conflicts of interests.

We facilitate regular disclosure of conflicts of interest using various approaches, including access to an online form for all those covered by this policy for when a situation arises, and as a standing agenda item in formal meetings.

Fraud prevention

Our Fraud Policy is reviewed every 2 years and addresses the Board’s duties under the PGPA Act and the PGPA Rule, in particular:

  • Section 15 of the PGPA Act; to govern the entity in a way that: promotes the proper use and management of public resources for which the Board is responsible; promotes the achievement of the purposes of Coal LSL; promotes the financial sustainability of Coal LSL.

  • Section 16 of the PGPA Act; to establish and maintain appropriate systems of risk oversight and management and internal control.

  • Section 10 of the PGPA Rule; to take all reasonable measures to prevent, detect and deal with fraud relating to the entity.

A Fraud framework is in place to ensure that any alleged fraud incidents reported to Coal LSL are taken seriously and dealt with in a swift, transparent and impartial manner. Coal LSL is committed to good governance practices and providing a quality service to all stakeholders.

To report an alleged fraud to Coal LSL, complete and submit the online Fraud Reporting form.

Alternatively, you can write to us detailing the alleged fraud by email or mail: Chief Governance Officer, Coal LSL, Locked Bag 2021, Newcastle NSW 2300

Public interest disclosure scheme

The Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013(PID Act) promotes integrity and accountability in the Australian public sector by:

  • encouraging public officials to report information about suspected wrongdoing.

  • protecting and supporting public officials who make disclosures and witnesses.

  • requiring agencies to investigate suspected wrongdoing and take appropriate action.

Coal LSL is committed to maintaining a culture that facilitates reporting of wrongdoing, ensures appropriate action on disclosures, and protects disclosers and witnesses from reprisal.

To gain the protections available under the PID Act the disclosure must be made to an authorised officer. Coal LSL has appointed following authorised officers to handle public interest disclosures:

  • Chief Executive Officer (Principal Officer)

  • Chief Operating Officer (Authorised Officer)

  • General Manager, Finance & Governance (Authorised Officer)

  • General Manager, Legal (Authorised Officer)

Disclosures can be made by:

Coal LSL has, under s59 of the PID Act, established a separate internal guideline which provides the framework for dealing with public interest disclosures, including how we assess a disclosure that may fall within the public interest disclosure scheme and the investigation process.

Modern slavery prevention

Coal LSL understands the importance of working collaboratively with its stakeholders to raise awareness and take appropriate measures to help reduce the risks of modern slavery in its operations and supply chains.

Note: the Coal LSL Modern Slavery Statement 2022-23 has been submitted to the Attorney General’s Department and is currently under review and is not available on the Modern Slavery Register.

Environmental, social and governance statement

Coal LSL is committed to considering the environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks and opportunities in its selection and performance monitoring of investment managers and advisers. Learn more.


Coal LSL has a formal Complaints Handling policy and process in place to ensure that complaints are resolved quickly and fairly. We are committed to providing a quality service.

How do I lodge a complaint?

We welcome the opportunity to assist you and resolve your complaint quickly and effectively in the first instance by phone on 1300 852 625 (international +61 (2) 4040 0040).

If Coal LSL cannot resolve the matter to your satisfaction, you may lodge a formal complaint by completing the online complaints formemailing the Complaints Officer or mailing your written complaint to: The Complaints Officer, Coal LSL, Locked Bag 2021, Newcastle NSW 2300.

You can access more information about our complaints process in our Complaints Handling Guide.

Freedom of information

Under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) members of the public can gain access to documents or records held by Commonwealth agencies, such as Coal LSL, unless the document is within an exception or exemption specified in the FOI Act.

Applications for access to documents must:

  • be provided in writing;

  • state that it is an application for the purposes of the FOI Act;

  • provide information about the document(s) you want; and

  • give details about how notices can be sent to you (this can include an email address)

Applications can be submitted by one of these options:

You can also view our Freedom of Information Disclosure Log.

Information Publication Scheme

Learn more about our Information Publication Scheme Agency Plan.

© 2024 COAL LSL